The Rif Tribes Foundation is an artistic, development and humanitarian foundation. Created in early 2022 by a group of motivated, young Riffian adults, our work aims to build a sustainable network to support the indigenous communities of the Rif Mountains of Morocco. 

Founded in January of 2022 by Sidi Massinissa of the Rif, the Foundation's goal is to work hand-in-hand with the local tribes and authorities in order to create a better future, bring back hope to the region and to create a Morocco where there is no need to leave in order to thrive. 

Donate to the Foundation

We have a long-term vision and countless of projects to materialise in order to transform the Rif Mountains of Morocco. Your donation always counts, no matter the size. Be part of the change and help us create a country where there is no need to leave in order to thrive.